ras charmer
Ras Charmer has worked his way from humble beginnings in his hometown of Kingston, Jamaica, to become an internationally in-demand success story. His vocal style is eclectic yet unique setting him apart from the many sound a likes on the Reggae scene. As a dedicated Follower of the Bobo Ashanti Mansion of Rastafari his lyrics attest to faith, love and struggle. He is pure in heart, word and action and audiences love him for it. His debut album was produced by legends Sly & Robbie and many songs from this recording are still rinsed regularly on Jamaican radio.Hit song ‘Mama’ blazed a trail for Ras Charmer with a successful video, radio airplay and culminating in the track being featured on the soundtrack of the ‘Rude Boys’ film. Soon after Ras Charmer was invited over for a month long tour of Switzerland. His impact out there was so great that he was invited back for a longer tour and then to move there permanently in order to seize on the wealth of opportunities generated from his captivating performances. Ras Charmer has also been called to South Africa, Surinam, Trinidad & Tobago and of course the UK. As the buzz built around Ras Charmer he has also joined top talents on stage and has performed alongside Capleton, LutanFyah, Junior Kelly, Luciano and Gentleman. In the studio he has recorded with Delly Ranx, Cali P and New Kingston.
Ras Charmer’s career highlights include performing at Sting (one of Jamaica’s greatest reggae shows), numerous appearances at Rototom Sunsplash(The European Reggae Festival), a nomination as ‘Best Comeback Artist’ at the Jamaican EME awards and featuring on European Reggae powerhouse, Mungo’s Hi Fi, debut album.
Added to his recorded works with some of the best Reggae production houses in Europe, Ras Charmer has recently released the album ‘Feeling Great’ and in collaboration with Peckings Records has released singles like ‘Keep I Calm’, ’Can’t Let It Go’ and ‘Love is All We Have’.All three tracks appear on the ‘Hard Knocks’ album produced on Peckings Record label, which marks another notch in their great history.
‘You’re A Part Of My Soul’was released as a single on the Flava Mcgregor Label, concurrently with Vinyl gems label releasing ‘Its Only Love’ in late 2016.
Ras Charmer’s latest project has been to premier his latest new videos ‘Such A Long Way’ and the title track ‘Hard Knocks’ from the album, which has been responsible for Ras Charmer being recognised and awarded runner up for Best UK Album 2019, adding to his previous award for Best International Culture Reggae Artist 2018 in UK –Feeling Great.
This Bobo Ashanti, Ras Charmer is blessed with great talent and he utilizes it tot he fullest. His story tells you so. If you get the chance to see this trailblazer don’t let it pass you by.
Music is Life
Jamaican Reggae artist Ras Charmer has dropped his latest release entitled “Music is Life” on One Camp Records, and produced by international artist and young veteran Elijah Salomon. The song’s message of celebrating the gift and beauty of life despite life’s struggles is one that is surely needed in today’s climate.
The video was shot in the lush countryside of Jamaica highlighting the beauty of Mother Nature, which we all need a reminder to appreciate. Ras Charmer’s lyrics quote Reggae legend Bob Marley “every little thing is gonna be alright” which is a real upliftment for the soul and a welcomed injection of good vibes for the masses. After the 'Music Is Life Riddim' selection was released in December 2021. Now an acoustic Binghi mix of the song is out on One Camp Records and all plattforms.
Music Is Life – we’ve got the vibes!
Wer kennt ihn nicht: ‘Sie Isch Wäg’, der Song, der so vielen über ihren Trennungsschmerz hinweg half.
Das Lied bewegt die Seele noch mehr als ein Jahrzehnt später, nachdem er das erste Mal veröffentlicht wurde. Jetzt lässt der Zürcher Produzent und Sänger Elijah Salomon mit dem “Music is Life Riddim” die Musik dazu nochmals neu aufleben. “Music Is Life Riddim” ist eine tiefgründige 5-Track-EP, welche die Wärme, nach der wir uns in dieser Zeit sehnen, direkt in die heimischen Boxen bringt.
Diese zeitlose Instrumentalversion, in Jamaika genannt “Riddim”, wurde von einer neuen Generation von SängerInnen wiederbelebt, die ihre eigenen, einzigartigen Grooves in den Klängen dieses Meisterwerks gefunden haben.
Das jamaikanische Konzept der “riddim selection” zielt darauf ab, die verschiedenen Songs in der Dancehall zu mixen. Dabei bleibt der Rhythmusboden konstant derselbe, während die Songs darüber im Minutentakt ändern und für Abwechslung sorgen
Die Jamaikanische Sängerin Sycorah verbindet sich mühelos mit der Essenz des Riddims. In “Tell Me How You Feel” fragt sie die Person, in die sie sich verliebt hat, ob es wahr ist, was sie fühlt. Ein persönlicher und intimer Song, bei dem man sich der talentierten Newcomerin aus Waterhouse sehr nah fühlt.
Ras Charmer liefert den Titeltrack: “Music Is Life” ein Lied, das von Zusammenhalt spricht und zeigt, dass Musik Wunden heilt und die beste Medizin ist. Unterstrichen wird die Message von einem wunderschönen Videoclip in den grünen Hügeln von Jamaica.
Mit ”Jah Lebt” skandiert Criminal von der deutschen Crew Raggabund, dass sein Gott “Jah” real und lebendig ist und dass wir uns von nichts einschüchtern lassen sollen. Eingespielt wurde die Musik von der Zürcher Backing Band “The Dubby Conquerors”, welche auch als Liveband von diversen Schweizer Künstlern unterwegs ist.
Die “Music Is Life Riddim” EP erscheint am 17. Dezember 2021 auf dem Zürcher Label One Camp Records und ist auf allen Download- und Streamingplattformen erhältlich.